Easy Way To Cook Omelet With Simple Ingredients You Can Try At Home

Jumat 15 Sep 2023 - 19:00 WIB
Reporter : Yudha IP
Editor : Yudha IP

Easy Way To Cook Omelet With Simple Ingredients You Can Try At Home BACAKORAN.CO - Omelet cooking ideas, here's a special way to cook omelet with simple ingredients you can try at home with the newest recipe like ever before. Recipe for Omelet with Onions, Surely many of us have often tasted omelet with onions. But this time we will share a new recipe that is worth a try. The result is very delicious and suitable to be enjoyed with rice.

Ingredients that must be prepared first

First of all, prepare the onions and slice them thinly with a thickness of about one centimeter. Don't forget to use chopsticks to keep the onions from getting cut off. Then, prepare a large bowl to hold the sliced onions. Next, prepare a small bowl and crack three chicken eggs into it. Beat the eggs with chopsticks until evenly distributed. We want the eggs to mix perfectly, so whisk in the same direction. READ ALSO: Healthy and Nutritious Breakfast Menu Ideas, Oatmeal with Almond Milk Recipe Easy Cook Here’s How

Making Steps

Now, let's crush some garlic cloves and finely chop them. The finer the better. Mix this minced garlic in a bowl. Then, peel the ginger and slice it thinly. Then, finely chop the ginger. Mix this minced ginger with the minced garlic. Cut some cayenne pepper into small circles. If you don't like spicy, you can skip these chili peppers. Set aside in a bowl. Cut half a stalk of spring onion into thin slices, then finely chop. Mix it directly with the minced garlic. Next, cut a slice of green pepper. Remove the seeds, then slice the peppers into small pieces. Put the green peppers in a bowl. READ ALSO: Chef Rudy Choirudin Shares The Secret Recipe To Cook Lontong Balap With Petis Seasoning 

Making the Sauce

Now it's time to make the sauce. Combine a tablespoon of salt, a tablespoon of soy sauce, some pepper, a little chicken stock, a tablespoon of oyster sauce for good measure, a tablespoon of cornstarch, and some water in a bowl. Stir to combine.

Combining Ingredients

Pour the eggs into the bowl with the onions. Use chopsticks to mix them together until the onions absorb the eggs. This is the key to making a delicious omelet with onions. READ ALSO: Unique! Fruit Candy Recipe is a Hit, Its a Childrens Favorites Can Be Good Idea for Selling

Cooking Process

Heat some cooking oil in a pan, then add the onion and egg mixture. Use low heat and fry gently until the eggs and onions are cooked perfectly.


Once the eggs and onions are cooked, remove from heat and serve in a bowl. Heat a little more oil in a wok, saute the garlic and cayenne pepper until fragrant. READ ALSO: Cheese Mutiara Getuk Recipe, Turning Cassava into a Typical Indonesian Delicacy Then add the green pepper pieces and continue to stir-fry over high heat until the green peppers are soft. After that, add the prepared sauce. Stir quickly over high heat until everything is fully incorporated. Add the onion and egg mixture to the sauce and stir to combine.

Enjoy the deliciousness!

A delicious and savory omelet with onions is ready to be enjoyed! I'm sure you'll love this recipe. For those who have never tried it, now is the time to try it. Hopefully this article is useful and good luck! *
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