Secret Practical Breakfast Recipe Delicious Breakfast in 5 Minutes – More Delicious than Odading!

Minggu 17 Sep 2023 - 19:07 WIB
Reporter : Yudha IP
Editor : Yudha IP

Secret Practical Breakfast Recipe Delicious Breakfast in 5 Minutes - More Delicious than Odading! BACAKORAN.CO - Practical Breakfast Recipe Are you tired of the same old breakfast menu? If yes, we have a very delicious and easy breakfast recipe in five minutes. You don't need to roll out the dough like making odading. This breakfast is much more delicious and nutritious than the usual odading. It's a delicious breakfast favorite, and you only need to make it once to enjoy it for days.

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Let's get started! Ingredients you need:

Before we start, there are a few ingredients that you need to prepare: Scallions: Wash and chop as many spring onions as possible. This will make the dish more delicious. Place them in a bowl. Carrots: Peel and slice the carrots thinly, or you can also slice them. You don't need to cut them too small. Place them in a separate bowl. Mushrooms: Take the marinated mushrooms, wash them, and chop them. First, thinly slice the mushrooms, then chop them finer. Place in a bowl. READ ALSO: Chef Rudy Choirudin Shares The Secret Recipe To Cook Lontong Balap With Petis Seasoning  Eggs: Beat three eggs well and set aside. Cooking Oil: Prepare enough cooking oil. Seasoning: Prepare salt, oyster sauce, sesame oil, and dried shrimp for flavor.

Step One: Preparation of Ingredients

First of all, heat some oil in a pan. Once the oil is hot, pour in the beaten eggs. Stir quickly until the egg is half cooked, then set aside. READ ALSO: Healthy and Nutritious Breakfast Menu Ideas, Oatmeal with Almond Milk Recipe Easy Cook Here’s How

Step Two: Frying Carrots and Mushrooms

Return to the wok, adding a little more oil if needed. Stir-fry the cut carrots until tender. This will help release more nutrients from the carrots. Once the carrots are tender, add the chopped mushrooms. Add a teaspoon of salt, oyster sauce to taste, sesame oil, and dried shrimp to give this dish a delicious flavor. Stir all the ingredients with chopsticks and set aside.

Step Three: Making the Stuffing Wrap

Next, prepare the wonton skins. Take one sheet of wonton skin and place the dough in the center. Shape the dough like a wrapper by folding one side of the wonton skin to the other side. Press the edges so that the dough does not leak when fried. Do the same for all the fillings. READ ALSO: Pizza Hut Chiken Wings Secret Recipe by Chef Devina Hermawan Now You Can Eat As Much As You Want

Step Four: Frying the Dumplings

Heat oil in a wok until the temperature reaches about 50 percent. Add the dumplings one by one. When first inserted, do not shake them too much. Leave the dumplings in place until they are cooked. These dumplings are quite thin, so it doesn't take long to fry them. Usually, it only takes about 3 minutes to fry them until golden and crispy.

Last Step: Enjoy a Delicious Breakfast

Once the dumplings are cooked, remove them and drain the excess oil. Look at how tempting and crispy these dumplings look. The filling is also very nutritious with eggs, carrots and spring onions. Perfect for breakfast! Now that's a practical breakfast recipe that's more delicious and nutritious than the usual odading. This breakfast can be prepared quickly and easily. Try this recipe if you want a new and delicious breakfast variation. With this breakfast recipe, you can change your breakfast routine to be more interesting and delicious. With a short preparation time, you can enjoy a delicious dish that is full of flavor and nutrition. So, what are you waiting for? Try this recipe right now and enjoy a different and delicious breakfast every morning! *
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