8 Mandatory Food For Indonesian Shoud Prepare To Go To Hajj

Senin 25 Sep 2023 - 19:00 WIB
Reporter : Yudha IP
Editor : Yudha IP

8 Mandatory Food For Indonesian Shoud Prepare To Go To Hajj BACAKORAN.CO - 8 mandatory food you should prepare as Indonesian before you go to hajj to the holy city of Makkah to perform the Hajj. Hajj is one of the obligatory acts of worship performed by Muslims who are financially and physically capable. The level of busyness and intense activity during Hajj makes the pilgrims have to really pay attention to their food and beverage intake. Therefore, there are 8 foods that are suitable to be brought as provisions for Hajj. READ ALSO : Do You Have Yellow Pumpkin at Home? Let’s Make The Fluffy and Soft Pumpkin Donuts, Check out The Recipe 8 Mandatory Food For Hajj

1. Mineral water

Mineral water is one of the must-have items during Hajj. Because, the hot temperature conditions in Makkah will make the body easily dehydrated. READ ALSO : The Special Kue Cubit Cake Recipe From Indonesia With Unique Topping Innovation and Tempting Texture So, make sure to bring enough mineral water and keep consuming it.

2. Dates

Dates are a fruit that is rich in nutrients and can be an instant source of energy for the body. In addition, dates can also help maintain fluid balance in the body. READ ALSO : Healthy and Nutritious Breakfast Menu Ideas, Oatmeal with Almond Milk Recipe Easy Cook Here’s How Dates are also a common food eaten by Prophet Muhammad when breaking the fast.
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