Salted Eggs Brebes Indonesian Popular Culinary From Brebes, The Facts Why Its Diffrent Than The Ordinary Eggs

Kamis 10 Aug 2023 - 19:00 WIB
Reporter : Yudha IP
Editor : Yudha IP

BACAKORAN.CO - Salted eggs from Brebes is one of the delicious Indonesian popular culinary based on Brebes Citu in the central of java Salted eggs are duck eggs that are preserved by marinating in a mixture of salt water and other preservatives. Interestingly, the basic ingredient of salted eggs is duck eggs.

Why should duck eggs?

Excess oil content in duck eggs makes duck egg yolks can masir. Masir is a sand-like texture found in egg yolks. READ ALSO: Other than Pempek, these are the most popular Palembang snacks for tourists to take home The oil content in salted egg yolks is also more savory when compared to the ordinary chicken eggs. In the process of salting duck eggs is done to increase the shelf life of the egg and give a distinctive savory taste to the egg. Salted eggs are usually sold in one piece or already peeled skin. Salted eggs can be served as a snack or raw material in several dishes, READ ALSO: Songkok, a symbol of resistance against the Dutch, power and authority such as cap cai, fried noodles, or fried rice. However, due to the high salt content in salted eggs, it should be consumed wisely and in moderation. People with certain health conditions, such as hypertension or kidney problems, should avoid consuming salted eggs or limit their overall salt intake.

Nutritional Content

Despite the high salt content in salted eggs, salted eggs still have several benefits that are good for human health, including:
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