The History of The Largest Indonesian Tea Garden Introduce by The Dutch and Now Manage by PTPN

Jumat 11 Aug 2023 - 19:00 WIB
Reporter : Yudha IP
Editor : Yudha IP

BACAKORAN.CO - The history of Indonesian tea gardens are introduce by the Dutch during the war then now the tea managed by PTPN. Tea is also a popular drink in Indonesia. Indonesia itself is one of the largest tea producers in the world, producing various types of tea, such as black tea, green tea, and oolong tea. Tea production in Indonesia is mainly in the Malabar Mountains area in West Java, the Puncak area, in Central Java, and in several provinces in Sumatra. Tea was first introduced to Indonesia by the Dutch in the 18th century, and since then it has become a popular drink among the aristocracy and colonial officials. READ ALSO: 7 Types of Tea in the World, Number Seven is Rarely Drank by People After Indonesian independence, Indonesian tea production increased, and tea became a popular drink among Indonesians. Apart from being a popular drink, tea also has a high cultural value in Indonesia. One of the popular tea-drinking traditions in Indonesia is jamuan tea or commonly called "teh poci". Tea banquets are often held to welcome guests, both in official events and family events. In addition, Indonesian tea is also processed into various other types of drinks that are typical of Indonesia. Such as teh tarik, teh susu, and iced tea. These drinks are usually sold at tea store or kiosks on the roadside or in shopping centers. ALSO READ: Very Popular in India, Here are 7 Benefits of Moringa Leaf for Body In recent years, drinking tea in Indonesia has evolved with the emergence of modern teahouses. Which offer various types of tea and innovative flavors, such as boba tea and bubble milk tea.

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