The Secret Recipe of Palembang Meat Malbi This Technique You Should Try To Make It Special

Sabtu 12 Aug 2023 - 19:00 WIB
Reporter : Yudha IP
Editor : Yudha IP

BACAKORAN.CO - Palembang meat malbi is one of the traditional Indonesian dishes that culinary enthusiasts should try. This dish is made from beef cooked in coconut milk and rich spices. Malbi meat is one of Indonesia's favorite foods that is usually served during family events, big days such as Eid al-Fitr. But you know what, for those of you are the culinary enthusiasts who love malbi. And you wants to know how to cook and the recipe. You are in the right place, and here's for you the secret behind it. READ ALSO: 4 Palembang Food Recommendations You Must Try, Traveler Must Know

Palembang Malbi Meat Recipe


1. 500 gram beef has in 2. 750 ml water ALSO READ: 4 Rejang culinary that migrants miss when they return to their hometowns 3. 100 ml sweet soy sauce 4. 3 tbsp vegetable oil 5. 4 tbsp desiccated roasted coconut 6. 2 tbsp tamarind water READ ALSO: This is a series of Palembang foods that are very delicious, you can also eat it for breaking the fast 7. 3 cloves 8. 3 cm cinnamon 9. 10 gr brown sugar

Ground spices:

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