ALERT 9 European Popular Cuisines Best For Indonesian Taste You Shoud Try When Traveling

Minggu 20 Aug 2023 - 19:00 WIB
Reporter : Yudha IP
Editor : Yudha IP

BACAKORAN.CO - Are you planning to go to Europe? Then here's for you 9 best European popular cuisines you should try first because its perfect for Indonesian tase. Europe has a lot of unique and delicious culinary types. But you shoud be aware if this is your first time tryin european culinary. This is the 9 receommendation you shoud try in the first place. 9 European cuisines that are suitable for the Indonesian tongue, are there any of your favorites? However, there are some European cuisines that are not well known to the Indonesian taste. However, there are also some European cuisines that are quite popular in Indonesia. And proven to be able to satisfy your taste and are interesting to try for the Indonesian.

9 European Popular Cuisines

Here are 9 European cuisines that are friendly to the Indonesian tongue: READ ALSO: Woah Endul! Ramen Recipe for Japanese Delicious Noodle Dishes, Moms Can Try at Home

1. Paella (Spain)

The first Spanish dish consists of rice cooked in broth, spices, and other ingredients such as meat, fish, and vegetables. The savory and spicy taste matches the tastes of Indonesian tongues who love spiced food.
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