Lasagna Recipe The Famous Italian Dishes, Here's How To Cook Lasagna in Only 20 Minutes

The Famous Italian Dishes Lasagna

BACAKORAN.CO - The one of the most famous and delicious Italian dishes is "Lasagna". Here's the secret recipe you can try at home.

Lasagna is a layered pasta dish consisting of layers of pasta sheets, tomato sauce, minced meat, ricotta cheese, and parmesan cheese.

Here's the Lasagna recipe with explanation and how to cook it:

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For Bolognese Sauce:

- 500 grams minced beef

- 1 onion, minced

- 2 cloves garlic, minced

- 800 ml tomato sauce

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- 2 tablespoons olive oil

- 1 teaspoon dried oregano

- Salt and pepper to taste

For the Bechamel Sauce:

- 500 ml milk

- 50 grams of butter

Lasagna Recipe The Famous Italian Dishes, Here's How To Cook Lasagna in Only 20 Minutes

Yudha IP

Yudha IP - the one of the most famous and delicious  dishes is "lasagna". here's the secret recipe you can try at home.

lasagna is a layered pasta dish consisting of layers of pasta sheets, tomato sauce, minced meat, ricotta cheese, and parmesan cheese.

here's the lasagna with explanation and how to cook it:


for bolognese sauce:

- 500 grams minced beef

- 1 onion, minced

- 2 cloves garlic, minced

- 800 ml tomato sauce

- 2 tablespoons olive oil

- 1 teaspoon dried oregano

- salt and pepper to taste

for the bechamel sauce:

- 500 ml milk

- 50 grams of butter

- 50 grams flour

- salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste

other ingredients:

- 250 grams dry lasagna (lasagna pasta sheets)

- 250 grams ricotta cheese

- 150 grams grated parmesan cheese

- 1 egg, beaten

- olive oil to taste

how to cook:

1. make bolognese sauce:

- heat olive oil in a large pot. saute the onion and garlic until fragrant and soft.

- add the minced beef and cook until it changes color and the mince crumbles.

- pour the tomato sauce into the pot and mix well.

- add dried oregano, salt, and pepper to taste. cook the sauce over low heat until it comes to a boil.

then, let it simmer for 20-30 minutes over low heat while stirring occasionally. after that, remove from heat.

2. making bechamel sauce:

- heat the butter in a small saucepan. once the butter has melted, add the flour.

- stir continuously over medium heat until the flour turns yellow-brown in color.

- pour in the milk a little at a time while stirring continuously to prevent bubbling.

cook until the sauce thickens and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. remove from heat.

3. cooking lasagna:

- preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius.

- take a lasagna pan, and brush the bottom with olive oil.

- place a few spoonfuls of bolognese sauce on the bottom of the pan.

- place the lasagna pasta sheets on top of the bolognese sauce.

- next, spread with bechamel sauce, ricotta cheese, and parmesan cheese.

repeat this process until all the ingredients are used up, with the cheese layer on top of the topmost one.

   - finally, pour the beaten eggs on top.

   - bake in the oven for about 30-40 minutes or until the surface is browned and the lasagna is cooked through.

4. serving:

   - cool for a moment before cutting and serving.

   - serve the lasagna pieces warm with sliced fresh basil or parsley as garnish.

enjoy lasagna, a delicious italian-style dish that will surely spoil your tongue! *
