Pumpkin Mud Cake Recipe The Indonesian Traditional Snack Cake Easy To Cook and Healthy For Diet

Kamis 05 Oct 2023 - 21:00 WIB
Reporter : Yudha IP
Editor : Yudha IP

Next Steps of Making:


First of all, steam the pumpkin pieces until they become tender.

You can check the tenderness by piercing them with a fork.

Once tender, mash the pumpkin with a fork or your hands.

Make sure the texture is really smooth. then Set aside.

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Dough Preparation:

In a container, put sugar, whole egg, margarine, and vanilla paste.

Whisk all these ingredients well.

Add Pumpkin: Add the pureed pumpkin to the batter in the previous step. Mix well.

Here's how to cook it?

Add Wheat Flour: Next, add the wheat flour to the pumpkin mixture and stir until all the ingredients are evenly combined.

Since the container you are using may be small, add the flour gradually to make stirring easier.

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Coconut Milk: Add the coconut milk to the batter and stir again until everything is well combined.

Strain the Batter: Since we are not using a mixer or blender, make sure to strain the batter to ensure there are no lumps in the batter.

This will give the mud cakes a softer texture.

Preheat the Snack Maker: Preheat the snack maker and brush the inside with a little margarine to prevent the cookies from sticking or burning on the bottom.

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