Pumpkin Mud Cake Recipe The Indonesian Traditional Snack Cake Easy To Cook and Healthy For Diet

Kamis 05 Oct 2023 - 21:00 WIB
Reporter : Yudha IP
Editor : Yudha IP

Pour the Batter:  Pour the batter into the snack maker according to your taste.

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You can make the pumpkin mud cake to your preferred thickness, but thinner will allow the cake to cook faster.

Bake: Close the snack maker mold and bake the cookies until halfway done on low heat to prevent the cookies from burning.

Add Toppings: Once the cookies are halfway done, add Raisins as topping.

This will give a sweet and slightly savory touch to the cake.

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Bake Until Ripe: Close the snack maker mold again and bake the pumpkin mud cake until fully cooked.

Once cooked, remove the pumpkin mud cake and serve.

The result is a beautiful mud cake with a natural yellow color, without any coloring or cake developer.

This recipe will yield about 26 pumpkin mud cakes, depending on your desired thickness.

Pumpkin Mud Cakes: A Tantalizing Leggy Sweetness

These pumpkin mud cakes have a very soft texture and a sweet, delicious flavor.

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The touch of coconut milk and margarine makes it taste savory and delicious when eaten with raisins.

One cake probably won't be enough, as the delicious flavor will definitely make you want to add more. Good luck. *

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